Liu-Fish (Liu) - there is a fish whose form resembles an ox. It dwells in the hills and possess a snake’s tail, wings and feathers on it’s ribs. It is said to make a sound like the lingering-Ox and is called the Liu. It lives during the summer and dies in the winter. Eating it will prevent swellings. The Liu-fish can apparently survive out of water.
Few ancient animals were a stranger mix than the Lu, a water creature found on Zhi shan, some three hundred li east of Niuyang shan. The Lu had the horned head and bellowing voice of an ox, the tail of a reptile, and a bird’s wings that grew out from its rib cage. Its fins appeared underdeveloped, which left propulsion to the undulating motion of the reptilian tail. Later generations claimed that the creature had four vestigial cloven hooves, though they appear to have been lost. Legend has it that the Lu hibernated through the winter, not awakening from its sleep until summer. Eating its flesh was known to cure swelling and ease the accompanying pain.